How to Prepare for the PMP Exam Day


  • PMP Refresher Course

    Since January 2021, all Project Management Institute-authorized Project Management Professional (PMP)® exam preparation courses have been based on the Institute’s materials and its CHOICE learning management system. If you have taken such a course, but have NOT obtained your PMP® credential, this PMP® refresher course is for you. The PMP® exam is still based on the […]
  • PMI Authorized PMP Exam Prep Course

    The PMP® Certification is a professional qualification that validates the competence and experience of project managers. Our PMP Certification Course provides the essential training and 35 contact hours needed to excel in the exam and thrive in project management.
  • Program Management Professional (PgMP)®

    Velopi’s Program Management Professional (PgMP)® exam preparation course is designed to navigate you through the Standard for Program Management, supporting your journey to the PgMP® exam. From the initial application to the Project Management Institute, this comprehensive four-day course and subsequent study will equip you with the knowledge you need to confidently approach the PgMP® […]
  • Certificate in Continuing Professional Development in Project Management

    Project management is an applied discipline and project management practitioners require the sort of hands-on training that an industry-based training company, such as Velopi Ltd. provides. However, they also require recognised academic qualifications to give them credibility in their profession. This Certificate in Continuing Professional Development in Project Management uniquely provides this combination. The course […]
  • PMI® Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP)®

    Unmanaged risks often lead to project failure, so effective risk management is essential to the success of every project. Project Managers who master risk-related concepts can help organizations manage both positive and negative risks. The PMI-RMP® exam prep training course focuses on planning and monitoring for risk throughout a project. This 1-day PMI-RMP® exam prep […]