How to Prepare for the PMP Exam Day


  • Program Management Essentials

    Many organizations fail because they do not use “joined up” thinking. They manage projects extremely effectively, but this work does not seem to translate into useful benefits that contribute to the organization’s overall strategy. Managing related projects and other activities in a coordinated way, as part of a larger program can provide efficiencies and benefits […]
  • Introduction to Agile

    This course offers an introduction to agile for students with no prior knowledge of agile or lean. It will delve into the underlying philosophies of agile and demonstrate them in action through the learning of agile project management practices. The course will primarily focus on the widely used agile delivery methods: Lean, Scrum, and Kanban. […]
  • Learning Lessons through Managing Project Knowledge

    All skills are developed with practice; the more often you carry out a task, the more proficient you become. This involves learning from your mistakes – a process called experiential learning. However, while you might learn from your own mistakes, from an organizational point of view, it would be extremely useful if lessons learned on […]